Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Yellow Tater Cheeze Pie

(This can feed four hungry adults or can be used as a vegie compliment to lots of dishes -- even just plain hot dogs.)

  • 2 Cans of sliced new potatoes (drained) or two 2 to 4 cups of sliced, par-boiled potatos. *
  • 1/2 Stick of margarine or butter. *
  • 2 slices of cooked bacon, diced. *
  • Less than 1/4 cup of diced sweet onion. *
  • 2 fresh eggs.
  • 1/2 cup of milk.
  • 6 to 8 ounces of sliced or grated Colby Cheese. *
  • A sprinkle of Madras Curry Powder. *
  • A sprinkle of Paprika. *
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

  1. Prepare / drain the potatoes.
  2. Dice the onion and the bacon.
  3. Melt the marjerine / butter in a large skillet over medium heat.
  4. Saute the onion and bacon for about 5 minutes.
  5. Add the potatoes, curry powder, salt and pepper to the saute pan.  Stir and saute 10 minutes.
  6. Mix egg with milk.
  7. Place potato mixture into greased pie pan.
  8. Layer cheese on top of the potato mixture.
  9. Poor egg and milk mixture over potatos.
  10. Top with paprika.
  11. Preheat oven to 375 degrees fahrenheit.
  12. Bake in oven for 20 minutes.
  13. Let cool at least five minutes.
  14. Slice and serve like a pie.
Be sure to use gluten-free brands of these items.  Go to Gluten-Free Brands for help with this.
Your comments, suggestions and questions are welcome.  So Email me and let me know how you like it!

Lean Lemon Pork Schnitzel with Mushrooms

 This is a Gluten-Free innovation of a very popular, yet incredibly simple dish that I learned to prepare in one of Atlanta's wonderful restaurants almost 30 years ago. I learned to prepare it using freshly cut and tenderized Veal. It can also be modified and prepared using thinly cut, lean and boneless chicken or turkey cutlets. Surprisingly enough, given my adaptation is to use lean Pork cutlets; among the very similar classical origins of this recipe is Classic Israeli Schnitzel.
 (Feeds three or four adults.)

  • 1 and ½ Tablespoon of Vegetable Oil (Large Skillet) and 1/2 Teaspoon of oil (Small Skillet). *
  • ½ Cup of Butter or Margarine. *
  • 1 Pound of fresh boneless sirloin pork chops about ¼ inch thick.
  • 1 Cup fresh Corn Meal. *
  • ½ Cup Milk (can use alternative milks, such as soy etc...).
  • 1 Fresh Egg.
  • About ¼ pound or ten Medium fresh mushrooms (washed and sliced about ½ inch thick).
  • 1 Fresh Lemon (Cut in 1/2, de-seed, then take one half and divide it into three or four depending on number of servings. Leave the other half as is). (* if using pre-made lemon juice)
  • Sprinkle Salt and Pepper (as if) to taste.
  1. It is best to prepare, cut and measure each item for this dish prior to beginning the stove top sauté process.
  2. I suggest two skillets for this: One hard bottom (cast iron) 10-12 inch; and One sauté pan about 8 inch.
  3. Mix Egg with milk and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Lay out ingredients (i.e., mushrooms and pork) and season with salt and pepper.
  5. Heat both skillets on about ¼ or 2.5.
  6. Add oil to both skillets early, followed by ¼ Cup of Butter/Margarine in each when hot.
  7. Quickly run pork through egg/milk dip then through Corn Meal to bread and then into large skillet. If one desires a higher breading-to-meat ratio, simply run it through the Milk/Egg and Corn Meal dips twice.
  8. Add mushrooms to the melted butter/oil mixture in the small skillet.
  9. Allow to sauté (do NOT burn or scorch) for about 8 minutes.
  10. Turn the pork over to brown the other side.
  11. Stir the sautéing mushrooms occasionally and cover and turn off if needed, depending on preferred doneness of mushrooms.
  12. After about 3 minutes, squeeze the ½ lemon over both the mushroom and pork skillets, until almost dry.
  13. Plate next to or on top of (or next to) a non-pungent rice pilaf (preferably with with tomatoes and onions) and generously squeeze remainder of ½ lemon over the cooked pork.
  14. Serve the divided fresh lemon on each plate, on top of the pork (one per serving (3 or 4)) as a garnish.
  15. Top off with a parsley sprig and/or some pieces of fresh tomato julienne.
* Be sure to use Gluten-Free versions of these ingredients.  Go to Gluten-Free Brands for help with this.
+ For variety, one can add about 1/5 cup of Chablis just after turning over the pork and let reduce.

Your comments and suggestions are most welcome, so Email me.

Sweet Cabbage Simmer

(This dish can serve two adults as a light entree or four-to-six as a vegetable dish.)


  • 1 Teaspoon of Vegetable Oil.*
  • 1/3 Yellow Union, sliced (think bite size).
  • 4 Strips of cooked bacon, cut into 1/2 inch slices.*
  • 1/2 of a medium head of cabbage (Cut into bite-sized slices or chunks).
  • 1/4 Cup of fresh water.
  • 2 Tablespoons of white Vinegar. *
  • 2 Tablespoons of Brown Sugar.*
  • 1 Tablespoon of Butter or Margarine. *
  • Sprinkle Salt and White or Black Pepper to taste.
  • (Optional) 1/8 Cup of raisins (preferably Golden Seedless) AND/OR 1/2 Cup of Freshly Cut apples.*
  1. Place 2 quart sauce pan on lowest burner setting (1 or Low).
  2. Add Oil.
  3. Add sliced onion.
  4. Add Bacon Pieces.
  5. Add Cabbage.
  6. Sprinkle Salt and White or Black Pepper to taste.
  7. Add Water, Vinegar, Brown Sugar and Butter (or Margarine).
  8. Cover and let simmer for 15 minutes.
  9. Stir at half-way point to ensure all cabbage is coated with sauce.
  10. Add fruit if desired.
  11. Cover and let simmer for 15 minutes.
  12. Serve Hot.
 * Be sure to use Gluten-Free Versions of these ingredients.  Go to Gluten-Free Brands for some help with this.
 + This entree can also be sweetened up or garnished with the addition of a fruit such as raisins, or small pieces of fresh apple.

Your email comments are welcome.  Email me!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gluten-Free Cook

My intention here is to fill this space with lots of original Gluten-Free recipes and cooking tips. So..... wish me luck!!!

The recipes are coming up soon.... Check back with me in a few weeks.